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Report No.

Analysis of carbon-ion induced bystander effects between different type cells and same type cells

Ikeda, Hiroko; Yokota, Yuichiro; Funayama, Tomoo; Kanai, Tatsuaki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

The purpose of this research is to compare bystander responses between different type cells and same type cells, and is to clarify their influence on heavy-ion radiotherapy. In our experiments, human lung normal fibroblasts WI-38 line and human lung cancer cells H1299/wt${it p53}$ line were used. Cells were irradiated with carbon-ion broad beams (WI-38:0.13 Gy, H1299/wt${it p53}$:0.5 Gy), then survival rates of bystander cells after 6- or 24-hours co-culture with irradiated cells was calculated using colony formation assay. Consequently, it is suggested that there is a large difference in heavy-ion induced bystander responses via medium between the different type cells and the same type cells.



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