※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Linearity-independent method for a safety factor profile


今澤 良太; 河野 康則; 伊丹 潔; 草間 義紀

Imazawa, Ryota; Kawano, Yasunori; Itami, Kiyoshi; Kusama, Yoshinori


This paper proposes a new method to calculate a safety factor, $$q$$, profile from gridded data of a poloidal flux, $$Psi$$, efficiently and accurately. Difficulties of calculating $$q$$ are derived from a difficulty of specifying a contour line of $$Psi$$ and a singularity at a magnetic axis. In order to solve the first difficulty, the proposed method interpolates knots, which are located on a target $$Psi$$, by utilizing a normalized arc length and constraints expressed by a magnetic field. Regarding the second difficulty, the proposed method identifies $$q_0$$ by extrapolating $$q$$ profile around a magnetic axis with a constraint of $$mathrm{d}q/mathrm{d}rho=0$$ at the magnetic axis. Accuracy assessments of the proposed method are carried out by utilizing Solov'ev type equilibrium. The results show the validity and high performance of the proposed method.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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