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Report No.

Evaluation of applicability on multi-axis residual stress formed by hard sphere indentation for stress corrosion cracking test

Ioka, Ikuo  ; Kiuchi, Kiyoshi*; Takizawa, Masayuki*; Ito, Takeshi*

A multi-axis stress field is indispensable to quick and quantitative evaluation of stress corrosion cracking for constructional materials and weld joints of existing industrial plants. The applicability of multi-axis residual stress field into SCC tests was evaluated. The hard sphere ball was stuffed into small flat-plate of type 304SS. Numerical analysis was conducted in order to compare with the experimental results. The numerical analysis was comparatively in agreement with the experimental results. Parameters of the test were selected by numerical analysis to optimize the residual stress of specimen. SCC test in MgCl$$_{2}$$ was performed using the specimen with optical residual stress condition. It is confirmed that the multi-axis residual stress field was useful in quick and quantitative SCC test by comparing the initiation of cracks with the distribution of residual stress obtained by numerical analysis.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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