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Report No.

The Air dose rate around the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant; Its spatial characteristics and temporal changes until December 2012

Mikami, Satoshi   ; Maeyama, Takeshi*; Hoshide, Yoshifumi*; Sakamoto, Ryuichi*; Sato, Shoji*; Okuda, Naotoshi*; Sato, Tetsuro*; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Saito, Kimiaki  

For comprehensive investigation of the effects of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on the land environment, three measurement campaigns covering wide area around the Fukushima site had been conducted by the end of fiscal year of 2012. The distribution maps of air dose rate have been constructed according to the measurement results implemented at approximately 6500 locations using the maximum values for the measurement period. Spatial distributions and temporal variations of air dose rate in the area were revealed by examining the resultant distribution maps. In the lower air dose rate area, the reduction rate of the air dose rate was observed to be smaller than that in the other areas and even smaller than physical attenuation rate alone, in contrast, the reduction rate was higher in areas with higher air dose rate.No significant difference among different land uses was observed in the reduction tendency of air dose rates in flat and spatially opened locations.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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