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Report No.

Issues on the absolute neutron emission measurement at ITER

Sasao, Mamiko*; Ishikawa, Masao; Yuan, G.*; Patel, K.*; Jakhar, S.*; Kashchuk, Y.*; Bertalot, L.*

Fusion power output of ITER is measured by a group of neutron flux monitors combined with a neutron activation system and neutron profile monitors. These systems should be absolutely calibrated by use of DD/DT generators moving inside the ITER vacuum vessel (in-situ calibration). Each neutron monitor has a limited measurement range of emission rate, but the ranges are connected by cross-calibration using the ITER plasma with at least one decade overlapping. The over all dynamic range covered by the group of neutron flux monitors is 10$$^{14}$$ n/sec to 10$$^{21}$$ n/sec. Effects of vertical/radial movement of plasma on the measurement accuracy were reviewed. It was found that cross-calibration using specially planned jog shots, and a vertical neutron camera is important to minimize the inaccuracy caused by the plasma movement.



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