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Report No.

Effect of oxidation state of iron ions on the viscosity of alkali silicate melts

Osugi, Takeshi  ; Sukenaga, Sohei*; Inatomi, Yosuke*; Gonda, Yoshiyuki*; Saito, Noritaka*; Nakashima, Kunihiko*

Understanding the changes in viscosity due to the different oxidation states of iron ions is important for simulating phenomena related to molten slags and also for understanding the structure of iron-oxidecontainingsilicate melts. However, these viscosity changes are not well understood. Here, we show the viscosity changes of R$$_{2}$$O-SiO$$_{2}$$-FexO (R = Li, Na, or K) melts due to changes in the oxidation states of the iron ions by systematically varying the oxygen partial pressure using several Ar-based gases at 1773 K. Not only the oxidation state of the iron ions but also the coordination structure of Fe$$^{3+}$$ may be important for understanding the viscosity.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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