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A Kinetic analysis of cadmium accumulation in a Cd hyper-accumulator fern, ${it Athyrium yokoscense}$ and tobacco plants


吉原 利一*; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 北崎 真由*; 山崎 治明*; 北崎 一義*; 河地 有木; 尹 永根; 七夕 小百合*; 橋田 慎之介*; 庄子 和博*; 島田 浩章*; 後藤 文之*; 藤巻 秀

Yoshihara, Toshihiro*; Suzui, Nobuo; Ishii, Satomi; Kitazaki, Mayu*; Yamazaki, Haruaki*; Kitazaki, Kazuyoshi*; Kawachi, Naoki; Yin, Y.-G.; Tanabata, Sayuri*; Hashida, Shinnosuke*; Shoji, Kazuhiro*; Shimada, Hiroaki*; Goto, Fumiyuki*; Fujimaki, Shu

Cadmium (Cd) accumulations in a Cd hyper-accumulator fern, ${it Athyrium yokoscense}$ ($$Ay$$), and tobacco, ${it Nicotiana tabacum}$ ($$Nt$$), were kinetically analysed using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system under two medium conditions (basal and no-nutrient). In $$Ay$$, maximumly 50% and 15% of the total Cd accumulated in the distal roots and the shoots under the basal condition, respectively. Interestingly, a portion of the Cd in the distal roots returned to the medium. In comparison with $$Ay$$, a little fewer Cd accumulations in the distal roots and clearly higher Cd migration to the shoots were observed in $$Nt$$ under the basal condition (maximumly 40% and 70% of the total Cd, respectively). The no-nutrient condition down-regulated the Cd migration in both species, although the regulation was highly stricter in $$Ay$$ than in $$Nt$$ (almost no migration in $$Ay$$ and around 20% migration in $$Nt$$). In addition, the present work enabled to estimate physical and physiological Cd accumulation capacities in the distal roots, and demonstrated condition-dependent changes especially in $$Ay$$. These results clearly suggested occurrences of species-/condition-specific regulations in each observed parts. It is probable that integration of these properties govern the specific Cd tolerance/accumulation in $$Ay$$ and $$Nt$$.



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分野:Plant Sciences



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