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Magnetic measurements on JT-60SA

武智 学; 松永 剛; 笹島 唯之; 柳生 純一; 櫻井 真治; 星 亮; 川俣 陽一; 栗原 研一; 中村 一男*

Takechi, Manabu; Matsunaga, Go; Sasajima, Tadayuki; Yagyu, Junichi; Sakurai, Shinji; Hoshi, Ryo; Kawamata, Yoichi; Kurihara, Kenichi; Nakamura, Kazuo*


On JT-60SA, magnetic probe for plasma shape and position control, one-turn loop, Rogowski coil for plasma current measurement, diamagnetic loop, magnetic probe for MHD instability and RWM control, and so on will be installed. R&D of each sensor is now going on. The connector system will be adopted as the connection between the sensor and MI cable for signal for ease of installation and exchange of sensors. Therefore, we have developed the connector for MI cable. Moreover, the connection box architecture for easy connection in the vacuum vessel will be adopted as the connection between the single MI cable and the duplex MI cable for the one-turn loop and the diamagnetic loop. Therefore, we will adopted the ceramic terminal as termination sealant of MI cable.



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