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Report No.

Competition between magnetic ordering and random spin freezing in Dy$$_2$$PtS$$_3$$

Li, D.*; Yamamura, Tomoo*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Yubuta, Kunio*; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Aoki, Dai*; Nimori, Shigeki*; Haga, Yoshinori   

We report the results for ac and dc susceptibility, magnetization, magnetic relaxation, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements on a well annealed ternary intermetallic compound Dy$$_2$$PtSi$$_3$$. An unusual magnetic phase transition with an apparent ferromagnetic nature was observed at $$T_{rm C}$$ = 5.6 K. The classification of Dy$$_2$$PtSi$$_3$$ as a large magnetic cluster (extended short-range ferromagnetic ordered) system with competition between magnetic ordering and random spin freezing seems appropriate.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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