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安全文化の劣化の原因と対策と今後; 原発への国民的合意の可否と将来予測と対応

Future measures and the cause of the deterioration of the safety culture

天野 治

Amano, Osamu


Along with the rapid increase of the number of plants of the 1970s and 1980s, safety culture is degraded, it is in the lowest level currently. Severe accident occur beyond the scope of design. Reconstruction of mind skills power employees, such as vigilance is the top priority. It should regain the confidence of the affected areas in efforts to put the body of TEPCO to the affected areas. Municipality and province is losing the trust of residents. That TEPCO interact directly with residents is important. The more than 1000 trillion yen, debt of Japan is increasing 40 trillion yen debt every year. Primary alternative is a 10 trillion yen them. Japan should not be a debt of more. It should be explained effectively to restart opposite the government accounts for half of the people.



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