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Report No.

Internship using nuclear facilities in Oarai Research and Development Center

Takemoto, Noriyuki ; Itagaki, Wataru  ; Kimura, Nobuaki ; Ishitsuka, Etsuo   ; Nakatsuka, Toru  ; Hori, Naohiko ; Ooka, Makoto; Ito, Haruhiko

Nuclear energy is important from a viewpoint of economy and energy security in Japan. However, the lack of nuclear engineers and scientists in future is concerned after the sever accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has occurred. Institute of National Colleges of Technology planned to carry out training programs for human resource development of nuclear energy field including on-site training in nuclear facilities. Oarai Research and Development Center in Japan Atomic Energy Agency cooperatively carried out an internship for nuclear disaster prevention and safety utilizing the nuclear facilities such as the JMTR. Thirty two students joined in total in the internship from FY 2011 to FY2013. In this paper, contents and results of the internship are reported.



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