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Report No.

Manufacturing of divertor target for JT-60SA

Yamada, Hirokazu*; Sakurai, Shinji; Nakamura, Shigetoshi

The activity of "Broader approach (BA)" is carried out under the Japan-EU collaboration towards the early realization of nuclear fusion energy, and the construction of JT-60SA (Super Advanced) has been started as a part of BA. Divertor target of JT-60 consisted of carbon fiber composite tiles bolted on heat sink plate. Due to extension of plasma heating power and pulse duration, divertor target for JT-60SA has to be changed to the concept of carbon fiber block jointed to cooling tube of Cu-alloy for active cooling. Brazing joint between the carbon block and cooling tube is easy to cause joint defect due to the difference in the coefficient of linear expansion of a material. The joint defect reduces heat removal performance of the target. On the occasion of the apparatus manufacture concerned, the structural improvement realized those problems. This paper reports the contents of a structural improvement in the divertor target manufacturing for JT-60SA, etc.



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