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Report No.

Verification and validation of sodium fire analysis codes for fast reactors, 6; Analysis of combustion test with sodium droplet splashing on the wall

Hamase, Erina ; Ohno, Shuji  

In the present study, the fire experiment with large sodium leakage rate in 2 cells geometry was simulated by using the sodium fire analysis code, SPHINCS. Two cells geometry consists of the fire room and the adjacent room which have the opening between them. In the fire room, the sodium jet was directed vertically upwards and it was dispersed with fire after impacting on the obstacle, ceiling and side walls. In order to analyze this complicated phenomenon, the pathway of splashing sodium droplets was obtained in the numerical calculation and the motion of sodium droplets was arranged in chronological sequence. It was found that the behavior of gas pressure had generally good agreement between the experiment and SPHINCS analysis, and by performing SPHINCS calculation the gas pressure in the fire room is significantly increased due to gas expansion with temperature increasing and then is reduced due to the propagation of gas pressure from the fire room to the adjacent room.



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