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Report No.

Present status of research and development on IS process in JAEA

Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Kubo, Shinji  ; Iwatsuki, Jin ; Takegami, Hiroaki ; Kasahara, Seiji  ; Tanaka, Nobuyuki ; Noguchi, Hiroki  

IS process can be considered as one of the promising heat utilization systems of HTGR, because it can produce hydrogen by the thermal water decomposition at around 900$$^{circ}$$C using chemical reactions with iodine (I) and sulfur (S). In 1994, JAEA successfully achieved the continuous hydrogen production of 30 liters per hour for one week by connection of three chemical reactions, that is, Bunsen, sulfuric acid decomposition and hydrogen iodide decomposition reactions, using glass components. Currently, research and development of corrosion resistant technology is underway, especially focusing on integrity of components made of industrial materials such as metals and ceramics. The test on Bunsen reaction components was successfully finished by confirmation structural integrity and ones on sulfuric acid and hydrogen iodide decomposition reactions are ongoing. This presentation describes the present status of research and development of IS process in JAEA.



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