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Report No.

Analysis by computational science and technology viewpoint

Nakajima, Norihiro  

As a group of experts of the nuclear science and technology, AESJ (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) realized responsibility for a nuclear-power disaster, and participated in the convergence of the accident and an environmental remediation since the outbreak of the accident positively and worked on activity in order to achieve the duty. As the part, AESJ started "investigation committee about the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima the first Nuclear Power Plant accident" (2012) on June 22 in 2012. The committee gathered from divisional meetings and liaison meetings, the committee which constituted a society and pushed forward activity. AESJ stands in the reflection that was not able to prevent this accident as a scientific group of experts of the fields of atomic energy, and, separately from various accident investigation of the above, deep analysis investigates an accident phenomenon and the influence from a specialized viewpoint.



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