Risk communication activity which used "YUME Chisoukan" in the Horonobe Underground Research Center
Abe, Shinya; Katada, Inao; Hoshino, Masato; Tokunaga, Hiroaki*; Horikoshi, Hidehiko*
The Horonobe Underground Research Center conducts research and development to enhance the reliability of geological disposal technology, indicate the margin of technical safety for legally decided depth of repository, improve understanding of the deep geological environment, and promote greater public understanding for geological disposal technology. "YUME chisoukan" ceased its role as an exhibition facility as of end August 2012 as part of an administrative reform under the then Democratic Party rule, and came to be focused on disclosing the underground drifts to ascertain that JAEA is true to its tripartite agreement signed between the Hokkaido Prefecture, Town of Horonobe and JAEA (i.e., no nuclear materials will be used, etc.). It is also used as the facility to provide information on the research results of the Center. This report presents the statistical results of a questionnaire (2,566 responses) conducted from April to October 2013.