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Report No.

Development of a time projection chamber for J-PARC experiments

Hosomi, Kenji  ; Imai, Kenichi; Sako, Hiroyuki   ; Hasegawa, Shoichi   ; Sato, Susumu  ; Hwang, S. H.*; Han, Y.*

We are developing a time projection chamber (TPC) for J-PARC experiments. The sensitive volume of the TPC is $$phi$$ 500 mm $$times$$ H550 mm. The J-PARC E42 experiment aims to search for H-dibaryons via the $$(K^{-},K{+})$$ reaction. The J-PARC E45 experiment studies baryon resonances by measuring $$pi N to pi pi N$$ and $$pi N to K Y$$ reactions. Readout pads of the TPC count around 6000 channels, and then specialized front end electronics are essential to handle this amount of readout channels in the high-rate condition of J-PARC beam. At the moment, we have a strong interest in the GET (General Electronics for TPC) Project which have been led by Scaclay, GANIL, MSU, IRFU and CERNBG since 2009. The project provides us the total readout system including hardware, firmware and software. However, we need additional developments and some modifications in order to adopt the system to the present DAQ system of J-PARC. In this presentation, I would like to report the progress of our TPC work.



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