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 年 ~ 

安全な「水素吸蔵材料による無電力型爆発防止システム」の開発研究,4; 水素捕集シミュレーション

Development of the safe and non-electric power type explosion prevention system with hydrogen storage materials, 4; Simulation of hydrogen behavior

寺田 敦彦  ; 上地 優; 日野 竜太郎; 橋本 直幸*; 磯部 繁人*

Terada, Atsuhiko; Kamiji, Yu; Hino, Ryutaro; Hashimoto, Naoyuki*; Isobe, Shigehito*


JAEA has been proceeding the simulation of hydrogen behavior which performed as a part of development of the safe and non-electric power type explosion prevention system with hydrogen storage materials for facilities, especially nuclear reactor building. This reports that simulation results of hydrogen storage test which was performed by Hokkaido University.



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