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Report No.

First-principles simulation of the optical response of bulk and thin-film $$alpha$$-quartz irradiated with an ultrashort intense laser pulse

Lee, K.-M.*; Kim, C. M.*; Sato, Shunsuke*; Otobe, Tomohito; Shinohara, Yasushi*; Yabana, Kazuhiro; Jeong, T. M.*

A computational method based on a first-principles multiscale simulation has been used for calculating the optical response and the ablation threshold of an optical material irradiated with an ultrashort intense laser pulse. The method was applied to investigate the changes in the optical reflectance of quartz bulk, half-wavelength thin-film and quarter-wavelength thin-film and to estimate their ablation thresholds. Despite the adiabatic local density approximation used in calculating the exchange-correlation potential, the reflectance and the ablation threshold obtained from our method agree well with the previous theoretical and experimental results. The method can be applied to estimate the ablation thresholds for optical materials in general.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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