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Report No.

Pu standard material preparation in Japan

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio ; Mason, P.*

In order to obtain reliable accountancy analysis results, IDMS is applied at most of the Pu handling facilities in Japan. Reference materials, referred to as LSD spikes were developed to allow facilities, regulatory and safeguards organizations to accurately measure nuclear materials. Because of expected difficulties in the long term supply of Pu reference materials, which are the main source for LSD spike preparation, the JAEA decided to evaluate the possibility of using domestically available MOX as a Pu source material. JAEA-PFDC started to produce and certify Pu reference materials that are suitable for use in producing LSD spikes in collaboration with the US DOE-NBL. From the MOX-Pu characterized in 2008, two types of the LSD spikes were prepared and distributed for verification. The detailed purification procedure, results of the intercomparison of LSD spikes and interim intercomparison of the MOX-Pu prepared in 2012 will be presented.



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