※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Phase composition and microstructural analysis of titanium aluminides by $$in$$ $$situ$$, real-time neutron and synchrotron X-ray techniques


Liss, K. D.

Liss, K. D.

Modern diffraction methods not only reveal quantitative phase analysis on an $$in$$-$$situ$$ heating and cooling cycle, furthermore there is ample of additional information obtained from multi-dimensional diffraction patterns. The author has pioneered novel methods, applied in many cases to $$gamma$$-based titanium aluminides. Thus, phase transition parameters can be followed accurately in alloy development. While synchrotron radiation reveals the overall structure, complementary neutron radiation is particular sensitive to atomic order or disorder. Two-dimensional detection allows to obtain grain statistical information in real time, such as growth, refinement, recrystallization, recovery, grain rotation. Orientation correlations between grains and phases are sought by correlations of reflections in reciprocal space. The paper reviews the findings and methods on $$gamma$$-based titanium aluminides, as elaborated during the past decade.



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