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Report No.

Performance of a total absorption clover detector for $$Q_{beta}$$ measurements of neutron-rich nuclei far from the $$beta$$-stability line

Hayashi, Hiroaki*; Shibata, Michihiro*; Asai, Masato  ; Osa, Akihiko  ; Sato, Tetsuya   ; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Kimura, Atsushi   ; Oshima, Masumi*

To measure $$beta$$-decay energy $$Q_{beta}$$ of short-lived fission products with good accuracy and high efficiency, we have developed a new total absorption clover detector and demonstrated its performance. Using a large-volume clover-type Ge detector having a through-hole in its center, we could measure total absorption spectra of $$beta$$ + $$gamma$$ rays with extremely high efficiency and high energy resolution, and could determine $$Q_{beta}$$ values with $$pm$$30 keV accuracy. Using this detector, we have determined the $$Q_{beta}$$ values of $$^{166}$$Eu and $$^{165}$$Gd for the first time, and of $$^{160-165}$$Eu and $$^{163}$$Gd with better accuracies. In addition, we have observed a new isomeric state in $$^{163}$$Gd, and determined its half-life and excitation energy.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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