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Report No.

Enhancement of critical current densities in (Ba,K)Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ by 320 MeV Au irradiation in single crystals and by high-pressure sintering in powder-in-tube wires

Pyon, S.*; Taen, Toshihiro*; Otake, Fumiaki*; Tsuchiya, Yuji*; Inoue, Hiroshi*; Akiyama, Hiroki*; Kajitani, Hideki; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Okayasu, Satoru  ; Tamegai, Tsuyoshi*

We demonstrate a large enhancement of critical current density ($$J$$$$_{rm c}$$) up to 1.0 $$times$$ 10$$^{7}$$ A/cm$$^{2}$$ at 5 K under self-field in (Ba,K)Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ single crystals by irradiating 320 MeV Au ions. With the very promising potential of this material in mind, we have fabricated a (Ba,K)Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ superconducting wire through a powder-in-tube method combined with the hot isostatic pressing technique, whose effectiveness has been proven in industrial Bi2223 tapes. The Jc in the wire at 4.2 K has reached 37 kA/cm$$^{2}$$ under self-field and 3.0 kA/cm$$^{2}$$ at 90 kOe. Magneto-optical imaging of the wire confirmed the large intergranular Jc in the wire core.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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