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First measurement of the radionuclide purity of the therapeutic isotope $$^{67}$$Cu produced by $$^{68}$$Z($$n$$,$$x$$) reaction using $$^{rm nat}$$C($$d$$,$$n$$) neutrons

Sato, Nozomi; Tsukada, Kazuaki  ; Watanabe, Satoshi; Ishioka, Noriko; Kawabata, Masako; Saeki, Hideya; Nagai, Yasuki; Kin, Tadahiro*; Minato, Futoshi   ; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  

We have for the first time demonstrated that the therapeutic nuclide of $$^{67}$$Cu produced by $$^{68}$$Zn($$n$$,$$x$$)$$^{67}$$Cu has highest radionuclide purity compared to previous ones. We measured a $$gamma$$-ray spectrum of the reaction product produced by bombarding an enriched $$^{68}$$Zn sample with neutrons with a HPGe detector. The neutrons were obtained by $$^{rm nat}$$C($$d$$,$$n$$) using 41 MeV deuterons provided from Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Application of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Relative production yields of impurity radionuclides such as $$^{65}$$Zn to $$^{67}$$Cu are extremely low, which allow us to chemically separate $$^{67}$$Cu from an irradiated $$^{68}$$Zn sample with a few steps and to reuse high cost an enriched $$^{68}$$Zn sample. The present result strongly suggest that the $$^{68}$$Zn($$n$$,$$x$$)$$^{67}$$Cu reaction is the most promising route to produce high quality $$^{67}$$Cu and could solve a longstanding problem of establishing an appropriate production method of $$^{67}$$Cu.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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