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Report No.

Process evaluation of use of HTGRs to the ironmaking system based on active carbon recycling energy system (iACRES)

Hayashi, Kentaro*; Kurihara, Kohei*; Nakagaki, Takao*; Kasahara, Seiji  ; Yan, X. ; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Ogawa, Masuro

Process evaluation of use of high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) to the ironmaking system based on active carbon recycling energy system (iACRES), where CO is recycled by reduction of CO$$_{2}$$ from blast furnaces (BFs), was carried out by heat and material flow analysis. The investigated CO recovery methods were CO$$_{2}$$ electrolysis and CO$$_{2}$$ reduction in reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS) using H$$_{2}$$ made in the IS process. HTGR number per BF was large in the CO$$_{2}$$ reduction process because more H$$_{2}$$ than stoichiometric amonut was required to keep RWGS equilibrium. More CO$$_{2}$$ reduction per unit ironmaking amount was expected in the CO$$_{2}$$ reduction process because H$$_{2}$$ not used in RWGS was consumed by iron ore reduction in the BF. However, CO$$_{2}$$ reduction per HTGR was larger in the CO$$_{2}$$ eelctrolysis method.



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