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Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in various garnet ferrites

Uchida, Kenichi*; Nonaka, Tatsumi*; Kikkawa, Takashi*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Saito, Eiji

The longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) is investigated in various garnet ferritesY$$_{3-x}$$$$R$$$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{5-y}$$$$M$$$$_{y}$$O$$_{12}$$ ($$R$$ = Gd, Ca; $$M$$ = Al, Mn, V, In, Zr) by means of the inverse spin Hall effect in Pt films. The magnitude of the LSSE voltage in the Pt/Y$$_{3-x}$$$$R$$$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{5-y}$$$$M$$$$_{y}$$O$$_{12}$$ samples is found to be enhanced with increasing concentration of Fe in the garnet ferrites, which can be explained by a change in the spin-mixing conductance at the Pt/Y$$_{3-x}$$$$R$$$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{5-y}$$$$M$$$$_{y}$$O$$_{12}$$ interfaces. We also investigate the dependence of the LSSE voltage on macroscopic magnetic parameters of Y$$_{3-x}$$$$R$$$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{5-y}$$$$M$$$$_{y}$$O$$_{12}$$. The experimental results show that the LSSE voltage in the Pt/Y$$_{3-x}$$$$R$$$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{5-y}$$$$M$$$$_{y}$$O$$_{12}$$ samples hasa positive correlation with the Curie temperature and the saturation magnetization, but no clear correlation with the gyromagnetic ratio and the Gilbert damping constant of the samples.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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