Evaluation of OECD/NEA/WPRS benchmark on medium size metallic core SRF by deterministic code system; MARBLE and Monte Carlo code: MVP
植松 眞理 マリアンヌ; 久語 輝彦
; 沼田 一幸*
Uematsu, Mari Mariannu; Kugo, Teruhiko; Numata, Kazuyuki*
In the frame work of the working party on reactor and system (WPRS) of the OECD/NEA, the benchmark on SFR was conducted. Within the OECD/NEA/WPRS benchmark, study on medium size metallic fuel core was performed using a code system for fast reactor core calculation with deterministic method MARBLE and with a Monte Carlo method MVP. The latest nuclear library JENDL-4.0 is used for evaluation of eigenvalues (k
) and reactivity (sodium void, Doppler and control rod worth) calculations. Depletion calculations are conducted using MARBLE/BURNUP with deterministic method for flux calculation and MVP-BURN with Monte Carlo method. The analysis results and discrepancies between different analysis methods are summarized in this paper. Sensibility studies of eigenvalue and sodium void reactivity of the medium size metallic fuel benchmark core are also conducted to determine the main reactions contributing to the difference between JENDL-4.0 and other libraries JEFF-3.1 and ENDF/B-VII.