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Report No.

Production of $$^{262}$$Db in the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{19}$$F,5$$n$$)$$^{262}$$Db reaction and decay properties of $$^{262}$$Db and $$^{258}$$Lr

Haba, Hiromitsu*; Huang, M.*; Kaji, Daiya*; Kanaya, Jumpei*; Kudo, Yuki*; Morimoto, Koji*; Morita, Kosuke*; Murakami, Masashi*  ; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Sakai, Ryutaro*; Sumita, Takayuki*; Wakabayashi, Yasuo*; Yoneda, Akira*; Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka*; Kikutani, Yuki*; Komori, Yukiko*; Nakamura, Yoshitaka*; Shinohara, Atsushi*; Kikunaga, Hidetoshi*; Kudo, Hisaaki*; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Tsukada, Kazuaki  

The nuclide $$^{262}$$Db was produced in the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{19}$$F,5$$n$$)$$^{262}$$Db reaction at beam energies of 103.1 and 97.4 MeV. Decay properties of $$^{262}$$Db were investigated with a rotating wheel apparatus for $$alpha$$ and spontaneous fission (SF) spectrometry under low background conditions attained by a gas-jet transport system coupled to the RIKEN gas-filled recoil ion separator. Decay data for $$^{262}$$Db and its $$alpha$$-decay daughter nuclide $$^{258}$$Lr was improved in statistical accuracy. Examples are the improved half-lives of 33.8$$^{+4.4}_{-3.5}$$ and 3.54$$^{+0.46}_{-0.36}$$ s for $$^{262}$$Db and $$^{258}$$Lr, respectively. The production cross sections for the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{19}$$F,5$$n$$)$$^{262}$$Db reaction were determined to be 2.1$$pm$$0.7 nb at 103.1 MeV and 0.23$$^{+0.18}_{-0.11}$$ nb at 97.4 MeV, whereas, those for the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{19}$$F,4$$n$$)$$^{263}$$Db reaction were less than 0.064 nb (at 103.1 MeV) and 0.13 nb (at 97.4 MeV). The cross sections are compared with a statistical model calculation carried out by the JAEA group.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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