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Report No.

Transient extraction behavior analysis of plutonium in reprocessing

Uchiyama, Gunzo ; Abe, Hitoshi 

A simulation study and an experimental study were conducted for the consideration of a scenario of criticality accident at raffinate solution tanks in separation cycle in reprocessing plants. In a simulation study, transient extraction behavior of Pu has been studied with the solvent extraction simulation code, ESSCAR to understand the effect of process parameters in separation cycle. In the experimental study, extraction behaviors of nitrous acid and dibutyl phosphate (DBP) which influence the extraction behavior of Pu in separation cycles were investigated by using a mixer-settler under a $$gamma$$-ray irradiation condition. It was found that the concentrations of nitrous acid in both organic and aqueous phases were 1 $$times$$ 10$$^{-4}$$ M and 2 $$times$$ 10$$^{-5}$$ M, respectively. The concentrations of DBP in both organic and aqueous phases were 5 $$times$$ 10$$^{-4}$$ M and 8 $$times$$ 10$$^{-5}$$ M, respectively.



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