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Effects of guiding-center drift on runaway electron transport due to macroscopic perturbations


松山 顕之; 矢木 雅敏

Matsuyama, Akinobu; Yagi, Masatoshi

To extend the capability of RE mitigation is an urgent issue towards the safety operation of ITER. We investigate the RE losses induced by low-order MHD instabilities and clarify a dominant mechanism for determining the energy dependence of the onset of RE orbit stochasticity. This is due to that for highly relativistic REs, sideband resonance of the orbit shift with macroscopic modes is much stronger than what is expected for non-relativistic particles. We demonstrate that the sideband resonance can cause both the enhancement and the suppression of orbit stochasticity at high energy relevant to the Dreicer-generated REs, depending not only on perturbation amplitudes but also on phase differences between the modes. We also report the development of a new 3D guiding-centre code for simulating the RE generation during major disruptions.



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