※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

クリアランスレベル検認評価システムの開発,2; クリアランスデータ管理システムの構築

Development of the clearance level verification evaluation system, 2; Construction of the clearance data management system

窪田 晋太郎; 臼井 秀雄; 川越 浩

Kubota, Shintaro; Usui, Hideo; Kawagoshi, Hiroshi


Clearance is defined as the removal of radioactive materials or radioactive objects within authorized practices from any further regulatory control by the regulatory body. In Japan, clearance level and a procedure for its verification has been introduced under the Laws and Regulations, and solid clearance wastes inspected by the national authority can be handled and recycled as normal wastes. The most prevalent type of wastes have generated from the dismantling of nuclear facilities, so the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing the Clearance Level Verification Evaluation System (CLEVES) as a convenient tool. The Clearance Data Management System (CDMS), which is a part of CLEVES, has developed to support measurement, evaluation, making and recording documents with clearance level verification. In addition, validation of the evaluation result of the CDMS was carried out by inputting the data of actual clearance activities in the JAEA.



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