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Report No.

Evaluation of the performance of the shields in the EPMAs used for radioactive samples

Matsui, Hiroki; Suzuki, Miho; Obata, Hiroki; Kanazawa, Hiroyuki

The Reactor Fuel Examination Facility in JAEA has been used for Post Irradiation Examinations to verify the reliability and safety of the nuclear fuels irradiated in commercial reactors. EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analyzer) has been utilized for the qualitative analysis of the fission product in the fuel pellet and the detailed observation of the oxide layers formed at the inner and outer surfaces of fuel cladding. Commercial EPMAs were remodeled so that the EPMAs can be applied for radioactive samples. Several shields was set in the EPMA to avoid the $$gamma$$-rays which radiate from a radioactive sample to the proportional counter in the EPMA. It is important to calculate this shielding performance adequately to maintain the precision of analysis. This report describes the results of re-evaluation of the performance of the shields in the EPMAs in the RFEF by using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code System and the examination results of $$gamma$$-ray effect to the X-ray spectrum data by using a radioactive sample.



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