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Report No.

X-ray CT basic data about inspection of irradiated fuel assembly

Ishimi, Akihiro ; Tachi, Yoshiaki  ; Katsuyama, Kozo ; Misawa, Susumu*

The Fuels Monitoring Section (FMS) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has carried out examination of the fuel assemblies irradiated at Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo to verify about deformation and damage using X-ray computed tomography (CT) technique. This technique can observe deformation and internal information of the irradiated fuel assembly without dismantling and thus can apply to inspections of the irradiated fuel assembly in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F). In order to obtain X-ray CT basic data for 1F fuel assembly inspection, the simulated specimens were made and the X-ray CT examinations were performed in the Fuels Monitoring Facility (FMF). This paper compiled the data about the X-ray CT examination of the simulated specimens.



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