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Microscopic analysis of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in orbital-ordered KCuF$$_3$$

Nomura, Takuji

We analyze resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu $$K$$ edge in a typical orbital-ordered compound KCuF$$_3$$ on the basis of a microscopic theory. Spectral shape and its dependence on polarization direction and momentum transfer of photons are explained consistently with experimental data within our microscopic calculation. According to our microscopic orbital-resolving analysis, high-energy spectral weights (above 5 eV) originate from charge-transfer excitations related to the Cu-$$dgamma$$ orbitals, while the low-energy weights (below 2 eV) originate from the $$d$$-$$d$$ orbital excitations among the five Cu-$$d$$ orbitals. We assign specifically the RIXS weights to microscopic orbital-excitation processes, beyond the previous phenomenological assignment based on symmetry properties.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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