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Report No.

Mechanical properties and microstructure of dissimilar friction stir welds of 11Cr-ferritic/martensitic steel to 316 stainless steel

Sato, Yutaka*; Kokawa, Hiroyuki*; Fujii, Hiromichi*; Yano, Yasuhide  ; Sekio, Yoshihiro  

Dissimilar friction stir welding (FSW) of an 11% Cr ferritic/martensitic stee (PNC-FMS) to 316-grade austenitic stainless steel was attempted with a view to its potential application to the wrapper tubes of next-generation fast reactors. The mechanical properties and microstructure of the resulting welds were systematically examined, which revealed that FSW produces a defect-free stir zone in which material intermixing is notably absent. That is, both steels are separately distributed along a zigzagging interface in the stir zone when PNC-FMS is placed on the retreating side, with the tool plunging at the butt line. This interface did not act as a fracture site during small-sized tensile testing of the stir zone. Furthermore, the microstructure of the stir zone was refined in both the PNC-FMS and 316 stainless steel sides, resulting in improved mechanical properties over the respective base material regions.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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