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平成25年度除染技術選定・評価等業務報告書; 環境省平成25年度除染技術実証事業(受託研究)

Report for "FY 2013 Evaluation of Decontamination Technology Demonstrations Projects for the environmental remediation with radioactive materials discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident" (Contract research)

渡辺 将久; 田川 明広 ; 梅宮 典子; 丸山 登; 吉田 真美; 川瀬 啓一 ; 野口 真一 ; 坂爪 克則; 渡邊 雅範; 平賀 隼人; 冨田 辰悟; 須藤 早苗

Watanabe, Masahisa; Tagawa, Akihiro; Umemiya, Noriko; Maruyama, Noboru; Yoshida, Mami; Kawase, Keiichi; Noguchi, Shinichi; Sakazume, Yoshinori; Watanabe, Masanori; Hiraga, Hayato; Tomita, Shingo; Sudo, Sanae


JAEA received technical proposals from private enterprise about techniques that can be used for decontamination work, and "Decontamination Technology Demonstrations Projects" was commissioned from the Ministry of the Environment to verifies the decontamination effect, economy feasibility, safety, and other factors. By the "FY 2013 Decontamination Technology Demonstrations Projects" JAEA carried out technical advice of demonstration test and evaluation of 11 technologies (e.g., decontamination of soils and green space and wastes and washing of fly ash).



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