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Report No.

Time-resolved soft X-ray imaging of femtosecond laser ablation process in metals

Tomita, Takuro*; Nishikino, Masaharu; Hasegawa, Noboru; Minami, Yasuo*; Takei, Ryota*; Baba, Motoyoshi*; Eyama, Tsuyoshi*; Takayoshi, Shodai*; Kaihori, Takeshi*; Morita, Toshimasa; Hirano, Yusuke; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru; Suemoto, Toru*

Femtosecond laser ablation processes on platinum, gold, and tungsten were observed by the single shot pump and probe reflective imaging using a soft X-ray laser probe. To avoid the timing error due to the jitter, we adopted a posteriori correction technique by simultaneous measurement of timing between the pump and probe pulses for every single shot, using a soft X-ray streak camera. A clear difference was found in the temporal behavior of the dynamical response of the soft X-ray reflectivity depending on the irradiated laser fluence in these three materials. On the other hand, the narrow dark rings were found in Pt and W, while an additional bright ring was found outside the dark disk in Au. Our result gives the experimental data comparable with various numerical simulations.



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Category:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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