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Report No.

Transfer behavior of cesium adsorbed on clay minerals in aqueous solution

Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Osugi, Takeshi  ; Shiwaku, Hideaki   ; Akabori, Mitsuo

Transfer behavior of cesium adsorbed on some clay minerals in aqueous solution was investigated by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis of Cs K-edge. The sample was prepared by mixing Cs-adsorbed mineral with another different kind of pure clay mineral in water. The XAFS results of the dried mixture powder were compared with those obtained before the mixing. It was recognized from the XAFS analysis for three kinds of clay minerals; Illite, Kaolinite and Vermiculite, that cesium was transferred from Kaolinite to Illite and vermiculite, and from Illite to Vermiculite. It can be concluded that cesium is transferred to and accumulated in Vermiculite.



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