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Report No.

Capture cross-section measurement at J-PARC; $$^{61}$$Ni case

Leong, L.; Kimura, Atsushi   ; Harada, Hideo   ; Nakamura, Shoji  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  

ANNRI is an outstanding neutron facility at J-PARC delivering intense pulsed neutrons produced by spallation neutrons. The $$^{61}$$Ni(n,$$gamma$$) reaction cross section has been measured at ANNRI. The $$gamma$$ detection was done by several HPGe detectors covering a substantial fraction of the solid angle. We focused the analysis on the capture rate to extract the corresponding cross section. We will show how the detection efficiency, the dead time correction, the background estimation, and the normalization have been estimated to get an accurate capture yield. Finally, the $$^{61}$$Ni capture cross section in the thermal and epithermal energy domains (0.001 eV to 1 keV), will be reported and compared to recent evaluations.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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