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Report No.

Velocity of entrainments formed by high velocity air jet flow in stagnant water

Akabane, Masaaki*; Koizumi, Yasuo; Uchibori, Akihiro ; Kamide, Hideki ; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

A liquid droplet entrainment which appears under heat transfer tube failure accident in a steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactors and causes wastage on an adjacent tube was examined in this study. The visualization experiment on a high-pressure air jet in a liquid pool was carried out. Filament-like ears and wisps pulled out from the wavy gas-liquid interface were observed. The ears and the wisps were broken off and entrained into the air jet. This process seems quite similar to the entrainment process in an annular dispersed flow in a pipe. The velocity of the entrained droplet was estimated from an image processing. The axial velocity of the entrained droplet increased as the air jet velocity increased. The Transversal directional velocity was much slower than the axial directional velocity. The data obtained from this experiment are very useful for the study of the heat transfer tube failure accident.



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