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Report No.

Fatigue crack propagation experimental evaluation and modeling in an austenitic steel elbow from a LMFBR primary system piping

Garcia Rodriguez, D.; Sakakibara, Yasuhide*

The behavior of high temperature (400$$^{circ}$$C) low-cycle fatigue crack propagation during in-plane bending of an elbow from Monju LMFBR is presented in three stages. 1st, experimental measurements made in a real-size laboratory specimen are presented. This test was carried out under displacement-controlled conditions, with artificial defects introduced in the crown parts, where the maximum stress arises. 2nd, the experimental setup is simulated making use of FEA, in order to obtain the actual stress distribution through the loaded elbow. Finally, based on the FEA data, deterministic fatigue crack propagation based on the J-integral criterion is compared with the experimental data.



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