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 年 ~ 

Experimental analyses of toroidal rotation driven by the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in JT-60U


本多 充; 佐竹 真介*; 鈴木 康浩*; 松永 剛; 篠原 孝司; 吉田 麻衣子; 松山 顕之; 井手 俊介; 浦野 創

Honda, Mitsuru; Satake, Shinsuke*; Suzuki, Yasuhiro*; Matsunaga, Go; Shinohara, Koji; Yoshida, Maiko; Matsuyama, Akinobu; Ide, Shunsuke; Urano, Hajime

A cooperation framework for analyses and predictions of the neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) and the resultant toroidal flow is developed among the TOPICS, VMEC and FORTEC-3D codes. With the real geometry in JT-60U taken into account, it is found in JT-60U that the NTV is one of the cardinal torque sources especially in the edge region irrespective of the insertion of the ferritic steel tiles (FSTs) that reduce the toroidal field ripple amplitude and it is essential to numerically reproduce the measured toroidal rotation profile in the edge. The up-down asymmetric component of the NTV is damped due to the FSTs and the NTV profile correlates with the profile of the radial electric field.



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