Improved strong scaling of a spectral/finite difference gyrokinetic code for multi-scale plasma turbulence
前山 伸也; 渡邉 智彦*; 井戸村 泰宏
; 仲田 資季; 沼波 政倫*; 石澤 明宏*
Maeyama, Shinya; Watanabe, Tomohiko*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Nakata, Motoki; Nunami, Masanori*; Ishizawa, Akihiro*
Optimization techniques of a plasma turbulence simulation code GKV for improved strong scaling are presented. This work is motivated by multi-scale plasma turbulence extending over multiple spatio-temporal scales of electrons and ions, whose simulations based on the gyrokinetic theory require huge calculations of five-dimensional (5D) computational fluid dynamics by means of spectral and finite difference methods. First, we present the multi-layer domain decomposition of the multi-dimensional and multi-species problem, and segmented MPI-process mapping on 3D torus interconnects, which fully utilizes the bi-section bandwidth for data transpose and reduces the conflicts of simultaneous point-to-point communications. These techniques reduce the inter-node communication cost drastically. Second, pipelined computation-communication overlaps are implemented by using the OpenMP/MPI hybrid parallelization, which effectively mask the communication cost. Thanks to the above optimizations, GKV achieves excellent strong scaling up to
600 k cores with high effective parallelization rate
99.99994% on K, which demonstrates its applicability and efficiency toward a million of cores. The optimized code realizes multi-scale plasma turbulence simulations covering electron and ion scales, and reveals cross-scale interactions of electron- and ion-scale turbulence.