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Report No.

Development of refilling techniques of LA-type bituminized waste products

Irisawa, Keita  ; Komatsuzaki, Toshio; Kawato, Yoshimi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu ; Meguro, Yoshihiro  

In JAEA, 13,296 drums of low-radioactivity bituminized waste products (BWPs) have been stored in asphalt solidification storages. In order to effectively utilize the space of the BWP in a repository site, we studied refilling techniques of the BWP from the drum to a box-shaped container. Tentative processes, which we devised, consisted of (1) take-off of BWP from the drum, (2) separation of a post filling part from BWP and (3) filling of BWP to a box-shaped container. Two methods for each process were selected, and work efficiencies of the methods were investigated by using a synthetic BWP.



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