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Report No.

Development of remote pipe welding tool for divertor cassettes in JT-60SA

Hayashi, Takao; Sakurai, Shinji; Sakasai, Akira; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Kono, Wataru*; Onawa, Toshio*; Matsukage, Takeshi*

Remote pipe welding tool accessing from inside pipe has been newly developed for JT-60SA. Remote handling (RH) system is necessary for the maintenance and repair of in-vessel components such as lower divertor cassettes in JT-60SA. Cooling pipes, which connects between the divertor cassette and the vacuum vessel with bellows are required to be cut and welded in the vacuum vessel by RH system. The available space for RH system is very limited inside the vacuum vessel, especially around the divertor cassettes. Thus, the cooling pipes are required to be cut and weld from the inside in the vacuum vessel. The inner diameter, thickness and material of the cooling pipe are 54.2 mm, 2.8 mm and SUS316L, respectively. An upper pipe connected to the divertor cassette has a jut on the edge to fill the gap between pipes. Owing to the jut and two-times welding, the welding tool achieved the maximum allowable gap of 0.7 mm.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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