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Unique surface structure formation on a Ge-covered Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface

Yokoyama, Yuta*; Uozumi, Yuki; Asaoka, Hidehito  

Si-Ge structures forming new shapes on a Si(110)-16$$times$$2 reconstructed surface were investigated via scanning tunneling microscopy. Pyramidal-shaped Si-Ge nanoislands lying along the $$<$$1 1 1$$>$$ directions were formed on the striped structure at Ge coverage between 3 and 6 monolayers. However, when a single monolayer of Ge was deposited on the Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface, single-domain of 16$$times$$2 striped structure disappeared, and a new double-domain striped structure was formed over the surface along directions that differed from the $$<$$1 1 2$$>$$ directions. This structure represents a new Si-Ge striped structure that forms by the mixing of Ge and Si due to high temperature annealing. These results indicate that the surface structure changes specifically with trace amounts of Ge.



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