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Report No.

Development of residual thermal stress-relieving structure of CFC monoblock target for JT-60SA divertor

Tsuru, Daigo; Sakurai, Shinji; Nakamura, Shigetoshi; Ozaki, Hidetsugu; Seki, Yohji; Yokoyama, Kenji; Suzuki, Satoshi

Carbon Fibre-reinforced Carbon (CFC) monoblock target for JT-60SA divertor is under development toward mass-production. A CFC monoblock, a CuCrZr cooling tube at the centre of the monoblock and a interlayer were bonded by vacuum brazing in a high temperature, into a target. After the bonding, strong tensile stress was generated in the CFC monoblock around the CuCrZr cooling tube in a room temperature condition due to difference of thermal expansions between CFC and CuCrZr. In the previous trial productions, only half targets passed the acceptance test. In this research, a new structure of the targets was proposed, to reduce residual thermal stress and to depress the degradation of heat removal capacity of the targets, toward the mass-production. Some measures were implemented on the proposed. The effectiveness of the measures were evaluated by numerical simulations. Thermal performance of target mock-ups with the proposed were evaluated.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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