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Report No.

Process evaluation of use of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors to an ironmaking system based on Active Carbon Recycling Energy System

Hayashi, Kentaro*; Kasahara, Seiji  ; Kurihara, Kohei*; Nakagaki, Takao*; Yan, X. ; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Ogawa, Masuro

Reducing coking coal consumption and CO$$_{2}$$ emissions by application of iACRES (ironmaking system based on active carbon recycling energy system) was investigated using process flow modeling to show effectiveness of HTGRs (high temperature gas-cooled reactors) adoption to iACRES. Two systems were evaluated: a SOEC (solid oxide electrolysis cell) system using CO$$_{2}$$ electrolysis and a RWGS (reverse water-gas shift reaction) system using RWGS reaction with H$$_{2}$$ produced by IS (iodine-sulfur) process. Both the effects on saving of the coking coal and reduction of CO$$_{2}$$ emissions were greater in the RWGS system. It was the reason of the result that excess H$$_{2}$$ which was not consumed in the RWGS reaction was used as reducing agent in the BF as well as CO. Heat balance in the HTGR, SOEC and RWGS modules were evaluated to clarify process components to be improved. Optimization of the SOEC temperature was desired to reduce Joule heat input for high efficiency operation of the SOEC system. Higher H$$_{2}$$ production thermal efficiency in the IS process for the RWGS system is effective for more efficient HTGR heat utilization. The SOEC system was able to utilize HTGR heat to reduce CO$$_{2}$$ emissions more efficiently by comparing CO$$_{2}$$ emissions reduction per unit heat of HTGR.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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