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Report No.

Induction of genetic instability by transfer of a UV-A-irradiated chromosome

Urushibara, Ayumi*; Kodama, Seiji*; Yokoya, Akinari

Ionizing radiation induces genetic instability in the progeny of irradiated cells. Previous studies suggest that DNA double strand-breaks (DSBs) and subsequent repair processes are involved in the induction of genetic instability. Since it seems unlikely that DSBs persist trough several cycle of cell division, we hypothesize that some DNA lesions that remained after repair of DSBs is relevant to the induction of genetic instability. To elucidate whether genetic instability is induced by non-DSBs type of damage, particularly oxidative base lesions, we transferred irradiated chromosome into unirradiated recipient cells by microcell fusion. The transferred chromosomes were analyzed by whole chromosome painting fluorescence in situ hybridization (WCP-FISH). The microcell hybrids transferred with UV-A irradiated human chromosomes increased their ploidy. In addition, chromosome aberrations occurred not only in the UV-A irradiated human chromosome but also in the unirradiated mouse chromosomes, and the frequencies of these abnormalities were increased depending on the irradiation dose of transferred human chromosomes. These results suggest that the non-DSBs damage induced genetic instability.



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Category:Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology



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