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Report No.

Efficient production of recombinant protease and cellulase by ${it Brevibacillus}$, expression system while difficult by ${it E. coli}$

Onishi, Hiromasa*; Mizukami, Makoto*; Hanagata, Hiroshi*; Tokunaga, Masao*; Kuroki, Ryota; Adachi, Motoyasu; Ishikawa, Kazuhiko*; Miyauchi, Akira*

${it Brevibacillus}$ is one of the remarkable host developing to produce secretory proteins. The proteins above amount of 10g/L have been expressed into the medium using the Brevibacillus expression system as known examples. In addition, there are many examples of expression of proteins derived from bacteria to human proteins and including disulfide bridge. Recently, we succeeded in high-level and secretory expression of protease and cellulase which are not efficiently produced in E. coli expression system.



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